Friday, September 23, 2011

2011 Trail Trial / Poker Run to benefit St. Judes Childrens Research Hospital

Well... We were actually able to pull off our event this year..finally.  Although we had MAJOR flooding in our area a week before we held our ride. 
The day was a nice, cool, somewhat overcast day.  The kind of day we horse people love to have for riding.  Due to the flooding and the inability to get to the trails much before the date of the ride the course was a bit shorter than last year but I don't believe many riders minded.  It has been a tough summer and a lot of the horses weren't really "fit" for a long hilly ride.
Due to the fact that the final decision to hold the ride wasn't made until the Wednesday before the actual ride we only had 14 riders come.  But, these 14 riders made $835 for St. Judes!!!  I personally believe that is just awesome! 
It was a great ride.  The obstacles were fair I believe (although the one was a bit tougher) and mixing it with the poker run made it more fair for the horses and riders that may not be quite as confident on the trail - they actually had a chance at winning a prize this time.  Hopefully we can get more prizes for next years ride... this year was a bit sparse.
Thank you to all the volunteers and riders who came!!!  Hope to see you all next year!

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